
Started as a grassroots effort by supporter groups across the United States and Canada, #AUnitedFront is a movement to show unity in supporter groups as it pertains to see the desire of allowance of anti-fascist imagery into soccer stadiums. Though not started through the Independent Supporters Council, we support our members and non-members who choose to be a part of this movement. The Independent Supporters Council stands by our original stance that human rights are not politics. Below, you will find information on where the Independent Supporters Council stands, what we desire to see with not only Major League Soccer, but all leagues, and the ability to help us gather data on items that could be deemed "political" going into stadiums.
Independent Supporters Council Stance
The Independent Supporters Council, at it's core, believes that our stadiums in North America should and are some of the most progressive soccer cultures in the world. We hold true to the notion that supporters in all leagues have created a culture in which people of all backgrounds can unite and feel comfortable because of the beautiful game. With this, we also believe that there is no room for hateful ideology which includes racism, homophobia, sexism, and fascism inside OR outside of our stadiums.
We feel positive, as an organization, that our supporters are doing everything they can to ensure the culture of inclusion stays. With this, below are the items that we are preparing to discuss with not just Major League Soccer, but any league in the United States and Canada, who are willing to bring us to the table as the official voice of supporters.
1. In alignment with the "Soccer For All" campaign, it is okay to denounce white supremacy in and outside of stadiums to create a welcoming environment for all fans of the sport.
2. Re-write the Code of Conduct with experts in human rights to define the term "political" as it pertains to items brought into the stadiums.
3. Create consistency across the table for what is and is not allowed inside of stadiums as well as consequences given for items brought in.
4. Create an official appeals system for supporters in which true documentation is given with proof.
On Thursday, September 19, 2019, the Independent Supporters Council met in Las Vegas with representatives from Major League Soccer, Timbers Army, Gorilla FC, and Emerald City Supporters to discuss the ban on the Iron Front symbol in stadiums as well as long term plans for the Code of Conduct and Fan Education Courses. With no official close, all parties met again on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 via conference call. The following items were agreed upon:
- Lifting of the Iron Front ban for the 2019 season and into playoffs
- Commitment to a working group to re-evaluate the MLS Code of Conduct which includes the Independent Supporters Council and experts on the matter at hand
- Commitment to a working group to re-work the Fan Education Courses for MLS
- Denouncing white supremacy and white nationalism in the joint statement made
We are excited about the progress made and are honored to be a part of the process moving forward. We are committed to representing our members at the table to find a solution that works for everyone involved. Updates will be posted as we have them.
How Can You Help?
The Independent Supporters Council is continuing to gather data from across all leagues to track items that potentially could be deemed "political" and the consistency in interpretation of the Code of Conduct as well as how different clubs are handling the situations.
You can help by submitting into our form linked below, letting us know of any and all items taken into games and how it was handled by the stadium attended. All submissions are done so anonymously unless chosen by the submitter.
We thank you in advance for helping us gather this data. Please understand that the Independent Supporters Council will release and use the data as we feel best fitted to make the most positive, substantial progress possible.
In addition, we encourage you to act through your local supporters group, whether members of ISC or not. The more we can streamline information, the more united we can be.