The Independent Supporters Council is a collective dedicated to promoting supporters' culture and advocating for fair treatment, both at home and on the road. With over 140 members in the US and Canada across various leagues, including MLS, NWSL, USL, NPSL, WPSL, NISA, and CPL, we serve as a valuable resource for sharing information about supporters' issues.
Our mission involves several key pillars:
EDUCATE: Providing insights into supporters' culture, soccer, and best practices.
SUPPORT: Fostering solidarity among members to grow supporters' culture and support teams in alignment with our charter.
ADVOCATE: Representing supporters collectively, both at home and away, to ensure consistency and fairness in league policies and treatment.
COLLABORATE: Working with our members to share best practices and address any questions they may have.
AMPLIFY: Showcasing the impactful work of our member organizations in their communities, strengthening the bonds between teams and towns.
SHARE: Exchanging ideas for the evolution of supporters' culture, inclusivity, and maintaining a distinct North American identity.
STAND: Unwavering support for each other in the face of questions about our purpose, goals, tactics, or tools.
Through these actions, we aim to foster positive and inclusive growth in supporters' culture throughout North America.
The Independent Supporters Council (ISC) unites with soccer supporter groups globally to promote a message of diversity, equity, and inclusion, whether on the pitch, in the stands, or within our greater communities. We are steadfast in our opposition of all forms of discrimination. Through our alliances, we cultivate a community of support in which individualism and passion are encouraged, expressed, and supported, regardless of differences. ISC strives to hold ourselves to these commitments not only in words, but through deeds and actions. We will lead by example to continue building a soccer community that reflects the identities of the communities we serve.
The Independent Supporters Council, comprised of over 140 members in MLS, NWSL, USL, NPSL, WPSL, NISA, and CPL throughout North America, is dedicated to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and welcoming soccer community, guided by the following statutes and principles:
Non-Discrimination: We unequivocally reject discrimination on any grounds, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, national origin, legal status, religion, socioeconomic status, education, language, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, mental ability, or physical capability. Embracing diversity is integral to the strength of our organization and enhances the value of our collective work.
Rejection of Violence: We firmly oppose both verbal and physical violence.
Advocacy for Positive Expression: We actively promote and advocate for the positive free expression of supporter culture, upholding values such as fair play and good governance throughout North America.
Commitment to Education: We are committed to providing educational opportunities for our members and the broader soccer community, striving to create, strengthen, and sustain inclusive environments.
Adherence to these principles is imperative for ISC membership and participation in ISC's actions and events.
Members of ISC are strongly encouraged to adopt their own "Code of Conduct" and are expected to enforce accountability within their groups. Additionally, ISC members must adhere to their respective team’s and league’s supporters’ codes of conduct.
Member groups found in violation of these statutes and principles will undergo a review by an ethics committee, as outlined in the ISC By-Laws. In the event of a statutes’ violation, a member of the DEI committee will be selected to serve on the ethics committee. Ultimately, if supported by evidence and voted on by the Council, member groups may face removal from the Independent Supporters Council.
*We express solidarity with our brothers and sisters at Football Supporters Europe concerning statutes and principles set for supporters worldwide.