Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Independent Supporters Council (ISC). ISC is a collective of soccer supporters groups dedicated to upholding the values of inclusivity, respect, and the authentic support of soccer in North America. By becoming a member, you can help us continue to advocate for supporter’s rights and ensure a positive fan experience at games both home and away.
We welcome supporter groups of all sizes to apply and join our collective.
The benefits of membership encompass:
• Best practices for planning and executing trips to away games.
• Recommendations for growing your group and influence/impact in your community.
• Suggestions for gameday events and tactics to engage your members.
• Guidance on how to make tifo displays in your particular circumstances.
• Ideas for swag and vendors to work with to get new merch to your group.
• An invitation to the ISC’s annual conference.
• 10% discount off orders at Global Scarves
• Support from like-minded organizations in gaining fair and equal treatment at home and away games.
• The camaraderie of working with fellow supporters to share your passion for the game.
If you're interested in joining the Independent Supporters Council, please complete the application linked below. Upon submission, you can expect to receive a response from a member of our leadership within three weeks regarding your status. Thank you for considering ISC membership and contributing to the vibrant soccer supporter community.
Q: What do you mean by “Supporters”?​
A: We, like many others, use the term “supporters” to refer to a certain kind of fan. This fan does more than watch and enjoy the game; they actively participate in creating the game-day atmosphere by singing, chanting, and/or creating visual displays called “tifo.”
In the United States and Canada, supporters are usually part of an organized supporters’ group. Some of these groups consist of a small core of dedicated supporters of an amateur or lower-level professional team while other have thousands of paid members that fill multiple sections at professional league stadiums.
Our emphasis on creating community and culture within these groups adds an extra dimension to the term "supporters."
Q: Why don’t I count as a “supporter?” I support my team!​
A: By calling ourselves “supporters,” we do not mean to imply that fans who aren’t part of a group don’t support their team or aren’t “real” fans. Everyone who buys a ticket to, or watches a broadcast of, an American or Canadian soccer game is making a contribution to North American soccer, and we value that. The term “supporter” for a member of an organized supporters’ group is a convenient way of referring to a group of people with common goals and issues, and is not intended as an insult or a slight to any soccer fan.
Q: What is the ISC position on the use of smoke and flares at matches?​
A: Properly used, smoke bombs and other pyrotechnics can safely contribute to the atmosphere of a soccer game. Many of our members have worked with team management and local authorities to allow safe, legal smoke as part of their displays, and we support the use of any safe, legal pyrotechnics.
Q: How do I join the ISC as an individual?​
A: The ISC does not offer individual memberships; instead, our members are supporters’ groups from across North America. Member groups may appoint up to two delegates, who are entitled to participate in private discussions and to vote on issues brought before the ISC membership.
Q: Which groups are eligible to join the ISC?​
A: To join, you must be independent and run by supporters, rather than by a team’s front office. You must support a team that plays its home games in North America. Beyond that, you must be supporters, using the definition above. In addition, all who apply must agree to our Bylaws, our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement, and our Statutes and Principles as outlined under "Who We Are". All applications are reviewed by current ISC representatives and follow the process outlined in our bylaws.
Q: What does my group have to do as a member? Are there dues?​
A: The ISC currently has no standing budget and acts entirely through donations from our members and merchandise sales. There are no regular dues for ISC membership. The only payments you may be asked to provide by the ISC are for expenses associated with meetings and other special events approved by a vote of the ISC membership. These expense assessments will be paid by the host or sponsoring supporters’ group, who may ask for reimbursements from some or all members if the other members approve this reimbursement in advance. The only other requirement of ISC members is that they agree to and abide by our Bylaws, our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement, and our Statutes and Principles as outlined under "Who We Are". The ISC cannot force its members to act or control their behavior. Our goal is to represent all teams and supporters.