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Meet Featherstone Flamingos

Leading up to our 2021 Juneteenth celebrations, the Independent Supporters Council is introducing you to some of the black culture supporter groups in the United States. We encourage you to read about their stories and support them through amplifying their messages, participating in their events, or any other way possible.

Featherstone Flamingos - Forward Madison FC Twitter - @FwdFeatherstone // Instagram - @featherstone_flamingos

When did Featherstone Flamingos form? Featherstone Flamingos formed in 2019.

Why did Featherstone Flamingos form? We started this group to make sure we as African Americans are represented in our city and within football.

What does Juneteenth mean to Featherstone Flamingos? Juneteenth to us is a day of celebration, reflection and a day to spark conversations, A day to relay knowledge to others regarding our heritage, culture and the events that have transpired in which is just simply part of our history as black folks that's often overlooked by those who are not.

Is your group doing anything to celebrate Juneteenth? If so, tell us about what you're working on.

This year for Juneteenth we are using the day to celebrate! We have the Black Star Drumline performing as well as Prenicia Clifton singing the national anthem as well as "lift every voice and sing" which is hailed as the " Black national anthem".

Alongside those moments we also have a local writer names Matthew Charles reading a poem of his at halftime and we at Featherstone Flamingos have designed a special juneteenth scarf just for the occasion. With 100% of the proceeds going directly to our local YWCA.

How can people join your group or support your group?

To join Featherstone, show up. Celebrate your black and brown friends. Help uplift a culture they may or may not be yours. This is an SG for EVERYBODY. As Chris Fox likes to say " black culture is everywhere, everyday, if you know it or not." So, taking the time to recognize, appreciate and celebrate are all ways to support.


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